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  屎盆   Shit Basin   尿盆   Urinal,

水瓶座用英语怎么说 20分

  星座名称:水瓶座   英文名:Aquarius   星座属性:风象星座   出生时间:1月20日-2月18日   水瓶座(拉丁语:Aquarius,天文符号:)黄道带星座之一。面积979激85平方度、占全天面积的2.375%、  5913 【英语牛人团】请采纳!


  the symbol for Libra is the scales, which stand for justice and equality.   'I BALANCE' is the motto for Libra. You like harmony in your relationships and surroundings; anything that clashes upsets you, whether it's people or a colour scheme. You appreciate beauty in all its forms.   You are fair-minded and like to weigh up all the pros and cons before making a decision. You're also charming and diplomatic and have a flair for bringing people together, whether it's for marriage, business or a dinner party.   You are intellectual and enjoy a good argument, where you're always ready to put the opposite point of view. You love company but are happiest in a partnership.   Sometimes your wish to get things right can make you seem indecisive and your reluctance to act, lazy.   You are the peacemakers of the zodiac.、


  Twelve Constellations (12星座):   1.Aquarius水瓶座   2.Pisces双鱼座   3.Aries白羊座   4.Taurus金牛座   5.Gemini双子座   6.Cancer巨蟹座   7.Leo狮子座   8.Virgo处女座   9.Libra天秤座   10.Scorpio天蝎座   11.Sagittarius射手座   12.Capricorn山羊座!


  我属蛇用英语怎么说     回答:   请您参考:   A.   According to the Chinese animal zodiac sign, my zodiac is snake.   According to the Chinese Zodiac, mine is snake.   According to the Chinese Zodiac, my zodiac sign is snake.   B.     英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时?一般表达为:   What animal sign(zodiac sign) were you born under? 你属什么 8597  I was born in the Year of the Snake./ Mine is the Snake. 我属蛇,、


  八卦新闻   gossip; gossip news; Bagua News;   [例句]对政治家的访谈与内容相当耸动的八卦新闻放在同一个版面。   Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality.?


  I often dream about you.?


  keep dreaming.   望采纳 天平座用英语怎么说

“本命年” 用英语怎么说

  本命年   this animal year;   one's year of birth considered in relation to the Twelve TerrestrialBranches;   recurrent year in the twelve-year cycle!


  Money and treasures will be plentiful?
