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  红日升天 比喻 精神 运气 悟性 像早上的太阳 往上走。 婚姻和事业都很好!运气好的时候如能谦虚行善就会好上加好?!



【月老灵签抽签结果】您抽到了第 91 签 九一签 上签 签诗:你往事已沉,我只言自今。 汝之


佛祖灵签 - 第一百一十五签上上签的解说

  写什么 你倒是写出来啊、

【月老灵签抽签结果】您抽到了第 100 签 一佰签 上上签 签诗:花好、月圆、人寿。 本签者

  我觉得吧,2150月亮本来就有思念的意思,所以她是在想你,花好月圆。是最终或已经在一起、人寿,是寿命长久 也有白头偕老之意吧?




  楼上说得对!什么迷信不迷信的!算命的也是有讲究的其实方法是科学的,就是有的人算的精确、有的人算的不精确而已,你如果了解过易经你就会知道了 孔子都推崇易经?他学了20年!上知天文,下知地理?我觉得你顺其自然?静待佳音!说不定姻缘很快到了!祝福你??。


没有意思!那都是骗人的 ,昨天抽到第三签上上签


  The One You Love - Glenn Frey   Written by:Glenn Frey/Jack Tempchin/Dummy/Glenn Frey   I know you need a friend someone you can talk to   Who will understand what you're going through   When it comes to love there's no easy answer   Only you can say what you're gonna do   I heard you on the phone   You took his number   Said you were alone that you will call him soon   Isn't he the guy   The guy who left you crying   Isn't he the one who made you blue   Ooh ooh ooh ooh   When you remember those nights in his arms   You know you got to make up your mind   Are you gonna stay with the one   Who loves you or are you going back to the one you love   Someone's gonna cry when they know they lost you   Someone's gonna thank the stars above   What you gonna say when he comes over   There's no easy way to see this through   All the broken dreams all the disappointment   Oh girl what you gonna do   Your heart keeps saying   It's just not fair but still you gotta make up your mind   Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you   Or are you going back to the one you love   Someone's gonna cry when they know they lost you   Someone's gonna thank the stars above,
